14/08 - Encontro de casais para Estrangeiro

A PARÓQUIA ESPÍRITO SANTO convida vocês, casais estrangeiros a participarem do Primeiro Encontro de Casais Estrangeiros. Este evento especial tem o objetivo de proporcional uma boa acolhida à nossa comunidade.
O encontro acontecerá no dia 14 de agosto.

Deus te espera lá!
Informações: pastoralworwithforeigners@yahoo.com.br
Tel. + 55 12 9702-6374

Located at Diocese of São José dos Campos, the Holy Spirit Parish would like to invite you, foreigners’ couple, for our first Meeting for Couple. This special event has a main proposal to provide you a welcome feeling related to our country and also to local Catholic Church.
Come join us in this very special afternoon when we will share some family subjects like a God and family, Couple´s Relationship, the Children and others.
It will happen in August, 14th and God wait for you.
For more information, please contact us:
Pastoral Work with Foreigners