Breaking Rules!

What motivates a human person to be arrogant or humble, to live reconciled or to feed the feeling of vengeance?

How many situations become powerful and influence a decision that is not always positive and much less brings benefits to those who carry it out. Day after day we receive many motivations in which we encounter the impulse for the realization of what we are, but, our choices do not always show the essence of whom we really are.

Various outside influences try to erase our essence, showing a caricature of who we really are.

It is a constant fight between my true self and the self influenced by passing trends.

Reconciling oneself with the long history of living to live anew in the present, that is the way to go, a trail to be discovered, deciphered, chosen and confronted. Reality is quite difficult in the beginning through the fact that my motivation is simply to resolve my problems, and the distance of the road  that I encounter with a sad reality of what I am hiding: old situations and painful ones that remain like ghosts in my life.

Overtime I find a new trail, motivations that previously were overlooked. I begin to see other angles and possibilities, certainties of which I have the opportunity of breaking the vicious circle: pride itself, superiority, arrogance, lack of pardon and so many other sentiments that bring rules  difficult to break.

In the middle of the whole situation it is necessary to react in order to win, because it would be much easier to leave it alone and continue concealing the situationsand events that left no visible marks of which we intend to hide.

Therefore, the great fight that we need to over come is against ourselves. In order to win it is necessary to know all our misery and to have courage of confronting it in the continual exercise of accepting it. Only then reconciled with our history we reach the goal: the will of God.

An attitude acts to break all the wrong rules that present themselves and many times are imposed.

You are invited to break the rules that imprison you and hide your true self. The truth that God made you to be!

May the Holy Spirit lead you to discover all rules that imprison you and through Him you break them all and take the only rule that you will reach the goal: Jesus, the beginning and end of everything!

May God bless your decision greatly!


Translated from Portuguese