Look at Situations from On High

Looking from on high is to leave the mouth of the volcano and observe it from a distance. In certain fights and disagreements, we cannot take sides immediately. But it is necessary to distance ourselves, “to see from on high”, in order to understand the amplitude of the situation.

For example: “The one that is in the helicopter sees the traffic of a city better than the one that is in the traffic…Whomever see from on high receives the understanding of what caused the traffic.” Thus happes with the one who seeks to leave the middle of the confusion to analyze it from a distance.

My brother, leave from the confusion, do not buy a fight that is not yours. Afterwards the persons get along and you remain a ruin of history. Look at situation from on high with a neutral vision. Be a conciliator, do the role that Jesus would do.

Ademir Costa.

translated from Portuguese