What Will I Be Beginning Today?

From the womb we are marked in our history. Years pass and we do not seek through fear of what we may find! We go through life seeking to make one step after another without much worry until we hit our heads on limitations and reactions in consequence to our history. Since then we seek answers that for a long time has been depreciated.

The moment arrived where the circumstances of life lead us forward to discover who we really are. Being a process at times that is painful because  we do not accept some situations that happened with us and still less we do not accept the consequences of those invisible wounds poorly healed that ultimately disguise who we really are.

Your history and mine may not have a very happy beginning but that does not define who you and I are for the rest of our history: Whom you choose to be! Therefore to be imprisoned in our history is the same as burying the talent through fear of the boss and loss of opportunity of a yield and of giving fruits (cf Mt 25:24)

Only the one who has courage of digging though his history is capable of responding to the challenges of our modern times which seeks to push us into a superficial life, without shine, without truth…without true life!

Today is the opportune day of stopping, reflecting on the events of life and perceiving what is the reflection of our history, What will be necessary to organize to be better, beginning today.

The most important thing is that who you are going to choose to be from now on! Do not be afraid of making the necessary steps in order that you may find yourself with your truth, with the complete being that

God created.

From now on we are sons of God, but have not yet appeared to be what we are to be. We know that when this manifests itself, we will be similar to God, in as much as we will see Him as He is. (cf 1 Jn 3:)

May God manifests Himself anew in your life.


Translated from Portuguese