Formation: The way to announce mercy and to live it

How to live and proclaim the mercy?

When they left, they found a man of Cyrene, by the name of Simon. And ordered him to carry the cross of Jesus (Mt 27.32).

A maneira de anunciar a Misericórdia e vivê-la - 1600x1200
Photo: Daniel Mafra/

These days, I was meditating on the fifth station of the way of the cross: Jesus has the help of the Cyrene to carry the cross. I share with you the fruit of this meditation.

So said the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: fewer words. The place where he preaches a sermon is also a meeting point. We strive to live in a concrete way the love of Christ in every one of our actions every day. If any do preaching, it should consist of acts and not in words.

Next to Jesus there was a group of people who accompanied him, but nobody helped him to carry the cross, although He looked worn and suffering,not even the Cyrenian. He was going through there and was ordered to carry the cross of Jesus. The man barely speaks, is of few words, but lots of action. We know that today people hardly believe in the words, and if they believe, it’s because they see actions. People believe more in witnesses than in words.

The right way to announce mercy is by living what is written in the word of God: “little children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 Jn 3.18).

Merciful Jesus, knowing of my and your difficulty, said to Saint Faustina, in the Diary 742, he taught us three ways to propagate Mercy: the first is the action; the second is the word; and the third is prayer.

How are you living the Mercy? Have you been willing to love or is all still just in words?

I pray for you.
Father Antonio Aguiar

Portuguese version