God Can't Stand Hypocrisy

The hypocrisy is that you preach but do not practice what you preach


The word hypocrite and hypocrisy, in its root, the Act of using (Rev. 2.4).

The first love is in the grace of conversion, a contribution toward that event is that Jesus came with salvation for us to have a strong love for God. But there came a time when he told us that we abandoned this our first love. Is it not your case?

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Monsignor Jonas Abib-Credits: New Song File

The Lord asks us to be converted, otherwise, He will be come back and will take us all, because we are acting with hypocrisy, and God can’t stand hypocrites. Say to the Lord: “I don’t want to be a hypocrite, so I am asking you, Lord, let me go back to the first love”.


In the book of revelation, He says: “I know your conduct, you have a reputation of being alive, but you’re dead”(AP. 3, 1b). Many times, we have shown with our hypocrisy that we are alive, because we give lectures, Apostolic work, preaching, we sing and we seem to be so alive, but the Lord tells us: you’re dead. Unfortunately, that is inherent in the human person, but God knows the conduct and the interior of all people and sees that they are dead. The Lord asks us to be vigilant, to rescue the good in us, because we have many qualities.

The Lord tells us: “Revive what you have left”. I know this will be of one time or another, because we’re dying inside without realizing it, but remember what you have learned and put into practice everything you know. Note that all and put it into practice, as the Lord tells us: “If you don’t watch, I will come to you as a thief, and you will not know at what time and I will surprise you”. (cf Rev. 3, 3b).


If you’re not hot nor cold, you’re lukewarm. And the Lord says: “I wish you were cold or hot. But, as you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out “(AP. 15b-16).God doesn’t want us to be cold, although it is preferable to that of being warm. But, thanks to God, the Lord makes us a wonderful promise: “The victor will sit with me in my throne, even as I have won and I sit with my Father in his throne”(Rev. 3-21). Think of these words, you are invited to sit on the throne with Jesus, therefore, become and get all tepidity out of your life. Fight as long as it takes. Make a good confession, win and will receive the award. Open your eyes, today, my child, because of the love of God, because on the one hand He is scolding us, but on the other, is also educating ourselves. Say to the Lord: “thank you, God, for your love, for you are educating me on this day. Thank You, Lord! “.


The coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ draws near. Today, we are one day closer to His coming. The longer we live, the more it comes close to us. The signs show us that the Lord’s coming; It is near of our generation. Either you or we will come to him.

The Hebrews did not eat with anyone. So, making a meal with someone means friendship and intimacy to them. Jesus invites us to sit at the table with him, because he’s coming for intimacy with us, and He is wanting us to do the same, i.e. to be close to him. Say, today, to the Lord: “I want you, my God, honestly,to  change my life. I want and need to be a winner, I want to sit with you in your throne. I’m going to sit with the Lord in his throne. “

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!


Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese Version