
Our Lady of Hope

The devotion of Our Lady of Hope dates back many centuries. It became more intense at the time of discovery through the faith of the navigators that, under the protection of the VirginMary, ventured out on seas never before navigated upon. In Belmonte, the birthplace of  Pedro Alvares Cabral, is venerated Our Lady of Hope. The image, weighing 90kg (198.5 lbs), is carved in stone, has the infant Jesus on her lap, looking  to a dove sitting on the right arm of...

Reflections of the Readings from the Congregation for the Clergy

Sixth Sunday of Easter Year A Citations of Act 8, 5-8.14-17: 1P 3,15-18 : Jn 14,15-21 : The readings of this the sixth Sunday of Easter allows us to ponder a number of considerations about being a Christian...

God Gives You the Ability to Love

Hold on! The civilization of love is at hand. There is less to get there. We can already scream: land in sight! The new land is very close. We already caught sight of her. Brothers, if, in general, we can not love others, nor have mercy and kindness towards others, it is because we have not accepted God’s love for us.We can only love our neighbor as ourselves if we accept this grace [God the Father’s love for us]. Often, we do not love others, we...