
Experience Silence!

Hey guys, peace and goodness! One of the biggest mistakes we commit, today, with regard to Following Christ and even the exercise of anyrole is not knowing silence. Have you ever stopped to think how easily we lose concentration? Any noise, however simple it may be, takes away our focus, draws our attention and distracts us from the goal. Were not this natural tendency enough, the world has also added to this, because everything is very “noisy”: the music, the cars, the street. We cannot “hear the...

That Nothing May Impede You From Experiencing the Grace of God

  According to St. John, five times Jesus went to Jerusalem during the great festival of the temple. While for some the trip to Jerusalem is motivated by participation in Jewish rites, – to eat and drink – for Jesus it is another. It is rather the announcement of his project. He wants to launch “hands to work” before the will of God, His Father. Making known to everyone that the time is coming when the prince of this world will be defeated. New heaven and new earth are...