As I write this, a group of Latino young adults are running a Life in the Spirit Seminar in Spanish at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Still River, MA. The Charismatic Movement is strong in the Latino Cultures, both Spanish and Portuguese speaking. This is also one of the great puzzles. Why did not the Charismatic Movement catch on in many parts of the US, where it began.
It is becoming clear that one reason is that Priests and Hierarchy rejected the Charismatic movement and left the laity on their own. That was a gross error and failure on the part of the ordained. This is an error that the Latino Community does not embrace. Indeed, Canção Nova works closely with priests and bishops in obedience to the Hierarchy.
It is essential or the Charismatic Movement to thrive that there is ordained involvement otherwise the laity are left with a powerful movement and less tools in which to experience this power, the power of the Holy Spirit.