Looking over the videos on the playlist for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time–videos that range from the US Midwest to Malaysia. We can see some great ideas. The themes range from obstacles in our way. (Fr. Jean Claude Lourdes, Malaysia) to Jesus’ call to Peter demonstrated through the life experience of riding a roller coaster. (Fr. Joshua Wagner from Eloy Arizona.)
Fr. Gareau preaching in St. Joseph Parish at Avon Lake gives a great example of doing what we may not want to do as an example of carrying our cross. He gives an image of dropping our crosses in the chalice and onto the paten. I loved this image as a way of bringing our cross to mass.
I should mention that Fr. Josh Wagner also has a great use of humor that does not detract from the homily he gives this week, but gives a good air to the homily and his delivery.
One thing that bothers me in some homilies is when I can see that it does not start for 2-4 minutes into the video. I saw that in a few homilies and I wonder if the priest is aware he is doing this. It may lead to lost views I would suspect.
You can see the homilies I collected this week at http://www.youtube.com/romcathhomilies.