Many look to us and tell us that they do not need Jesus in their lives. They don’t need God, they can live their lives just fine without Him. Sometimes, we can be shocked about that attitude and other times we can ask ourselves: ‘how one can live without God?’ However, do not be too surprised by that attitude, Jesus warned that you would find it. Do not, however, adopt it yourself. Where does he say this? In the parable of the houses built on rock and sand.
The house built on sand is the big house that looks wonderful. It shows the power and majesty of its owner, maybe a person who can live without God. However, the problem comes not when everything is going well, but when everything goes wrong. Jesus describes it as a storm that comes and destroys the house. Why? It may have looked fine, but it had no foundation. Right now many are suffering because they thought they would be fine, and suddenly the economy tanked. It was beyond their control and, in some cases, everything they had to build their life upon is now gone.
One of the strangest cases is that of the man who built the huge Ponzi scheme and bankrupted many of the richest people in the world, even charitable foundations. No one figured that the man could be so self-centered and untrustworthy, what is worse is that he almost exclusively bilked his own.
Strangely, Viktor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning, warned that the capos in the NAZI prison camp, prisoners set up to keep their own in line, were often meaner than even the NAZI’s. So it was with this guy. Who knew he would turn on his own?
However, Jesus also said that the person who needs to rely on Jesus, the one who says, yes, I need Jesus in my life, will also experience a storm, but he will survive.
Presently, we are going through dark times, but dark times come and go. Your life may change, but all will be well, as the saints always tell us, if you have faith that Jesus is going through those dark times with you. Those who don’t need Jesus when things go well, have nothing to support them when things tank. Those who have Jesus, even with things go well, also have him when everything is in the tank.
Jesus gives us a strength in dark times. Build on that strength and know that Jesus is God.
God Bless You.