Who Is Teaching Youth to Turn from Sin?

What is PHN? (In english: NTD-Not ToDay) The PHN program, as is also the idea PHN, is of a simple character directed to those in the TV audience that encounter themselves with an accessible way to live in God. Those programs have one or two testimonies that bring them to believe that it is possible to begin again always, of course, always with the grace of God.

In 1998 when we began the program and we had the inspiration that is to say, to put on the air the strong testimonies of the conversion of the youth, married couples, families, adults and even the elder people who have had an experience with the mercy and compassion of God.
The program also brings much music, segments, entertainments, promotions and interactivity across the internet and of course much irreverence and creativity on the part of those who joined with me make the program possible.

Going on the air once a week, Tuesdays beginning at 10:00 on the dot (Atlantic time) also it is repeated Saturdays at 9:00 our program centers around the events of the weekend. During all these years we worked to give to all of Brazil and other countries with the teaching or if you prefer the spirituality of PHN and we have brought one generation of youth and adults who choose everyday for find the quality of life that PHN means to say. NO to sin everyday.

PHN (NTD) is available in Portuguese on the computer via Canção Nova TV http://www.cancaonova.com/tvcn.asx at the times mentioned above. From now until Spring in the Northern Hemisphere it airs at UTC-2 which is 7:00pm ET Tuesdays.