Do You Live Dependent on God?

We live in Divine Providence. The New Song Community is a beautiful adventure of living, our days today are in the total dependence on God.

Depending on God is difficult, because it demands of us to give to Him the control of all and to no more have the reins of our life. That is in light of considering the current world with its individualism. But we have to know that which the Lord wants of us.

Many do not have the courage to live in this manner. Therefore, and only because of this, they cannot experience the reality of Divine Providence in their lives. I continue with my wallet nearly always empty and my bank account has the minimum for it not to be closed. Through my hands passed millions, but I, thanks to God, possess nothing. I do not have any property. I gave the inheritance of my parents for the land that we acquired in Cachoeira Paulista [Mother House of the New Song Community]

Thanks to God I don’t have anything, I need to affirm that my only property is the Lord. To say this, I am not vain glorious, but am testifying that all this was necessary, essentially, for today that we may have all that which the Lord give us additionally.

God Bless You,

Your Brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese