What Are You Waiting For . . .?

For a long time in this season of the year, I would begin to wait . . .

Waiting for a bicycle, Waiting for a video game, Waiting for skates, Waiting for a doll, Waiting for a guitar, Waiting for sound equipment, Waiting for a suit or sandals.


I waited so much until I forgot how many things that I waited for and many of these things never arrived.

For this reason, many of my Christmases had the taste of frustration for seeing my cousins with so many presents, so many boxes, big, loud, showy toys and there I was waiting.

I knew that this scene can repeat itself in so many houses. With so many children, adolescents and even adults that live waiting. I am still waiting, but today my wait has a sense of joy, hope and certainty of the present that is going to arrive.

It is not because of a change in finances, but it is my heart that that change and today I know where I can encounter the true present.

If you already discovered that the present is this, with certainty your Christmans has a special feeling, with certainty your Christmas signifies much more that the night that you get boxes in colored wrapping paper.

CHRISTMAS IS THE ARRIVAL OF THE GREATEST AND BEST PRESENT: JESUS! He comes for all, even for those that are not waiting for Him.

Translated from Portuguese