5 Phases of the New Life

New Year, New Life! In this first day of the new year, I present to you the five phases of the new life!

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.(Rm 8, 1-2 NIV).”

God does not condemn. How many things has he already done for you. Now he already has not condemned you for those that are in Christ Jesus. Salvation exists, pardon, reconciliation, new life, new time. From now on, you can experience new life.

My brother, convince yourself of this, because the world preaches to us many lies. The lie appears in the life of the human being 250 times per day, according to a recent web search. The lie is part of our day to day and says to us that our life has no path—The law of sin and death—Many of us already experienced this law of death of marriage, of dreams, of the end of a relationship, of infidelity, but now, “in such a way” [such beauty that God realized in your life] (sic), the law of Jesus, liberates us from this law of sin. This is newness for us.

The Spirit already frees us for the new life in Christ. For it to happen, you have to break with the old life . . . The salvation was already given, you already know the history of 2 thousand years of Christianity, but that which we need to do now is to assume this truth. We need you to return to your house convinced of this and with your family realize that which was thought impossible.

God took human form and assumed our condition. You do not need to seize life, because Jesus already seized it for us. It was impossible for someone to do this, to succumb so much under the weight of the sins of the entire world. The law of the Holy Spirit of God frees us from tears, sadness, from vices. “God sees the heart, He probes with compassion, He knows the size of your pain.”

You are prepared for the new life? Now in this moment, already there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus. Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death,but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; (Romans 8:5-6)

A son that looks to the father and the mother completes the commandments; this is spiritual. The fidelity to marriage, to friendship, this is spiritual, because, formerly, we had friends to be with at the hour of sin, for going together to buy drugs. I had friends that, with me, were under the law of sin. But now is new life. You are going to return to this family, to this friend and inaugurate a new time in their lives.

With a new life in Christ. You Christian are going to live 5 new phases that are going to be with you at the end of today.

1st Phase:  You will be ridiculed by those most close to you.

2nd Phase: You will earn respect;

3rd Phase: You will be considered—people are going to ask you opinion;

4th Phase: You will be admired;

5th Phase: You will be a reference.

For me, my parents were my reference and it was they who took me off drugs. If there is someone lost in your house, you are the solution, because Jesus is with you. Through the law of the spirit, you are capable of living a new life.

Happy New Year!


translated from Portuguese