Divination and Magic with Curses and Magic Writing

God can reveal the future through his prophets and others. And he reveals to us in the biblical context, through promises giving hope of his liberation, of a new life, that the Messiah would come and would make this happen. . . and all saw that happen, and we know that the revelations and the prophesies are the visions of God for his people to believe in confidence and in them to hope for a new life.

This liberation is from the slavery to sin to which his children were submitted to and made them subject to the domination of that demon author of and the beginning of all sin.

Still the correct Christian attitude consists in turning ourselves with confidence into the hands of God’s providence, which refers to the future and in abandoning all unhealthy curiosity with respect to the future into the hands of Him.

The Devil, knowing our brokenness, of our insecurity, of our curiosity, of our relation to the future, seeks to satisfy us with revelations, with divinations to the one being rejected by us: all look to Satan or to the demons—evocation of the dead, or erroneous practices that suppose to discover the future, or the consultation of horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, the interpretation of omens of our luck, of phenomena of visions, premonitions, recourses to mediums that incorporate the powers of the occult for these ends including receiving messages from someone and gaining power through him.

These practices contradict the honor and respect joined to the loving reverence we have exclusively for God. This is reflected in the sin against the first commandment of Love of God above all these things.

God knows all of our life our past and our eternity, as do the Devil and his demons. God gives his children revelations of his biblical prophesies for doing good work, and for bringing people to salvation. The Devil enables his servants with his power; because he is near us and next to us he knows all our days, he knows our history, our sins, our nicknames and many of the hidden secrets in us.

Therefore, he can reveal this to his followers and they speak to us. He speaks to whomever he wants. Many look to magic writing done through a person from another who died. First, the demon is never going to enter Heaven, but he knows our anguish, our insecurities, and our fears. He is going to give to you the answer that he wants and you may desire. He knows our letters and can imitate all even to our fathers, mothers or whatever person to even the very angels of God. (2Cor 11:14ff)

All practices of magic or witchcraft, divination with which the person pretend to use the powers of the occult to put into his service and to obtain supernatural power over another, is an abomination to God.Anyone who uses these practices is detestable to God. (cf Dt 18:9)

These condemned practices because they are going to prejudice other who uses them. They are going to enslave such persons creating obsessions and an incessant search for his future and that of others and what occurs through the intervention of demons. Therefore, the souls of whatever person dies, thus that the dead go to be judged. (He 9:27) If they be judged worthy they receive an eternal home in Heaven, and if they are judged condemned they go to Hell and souls do not leave there.  . . . all recourse used in these practices are from the demons.

Therefore all use of amulets, cloth ribbons, patuas with consecrations to occultism . . . rabbits feet, horseshoes [as good luck charm] Roman seeds, tooth of garlic, etc., each one leaving people to believe that he has the power to frighten the evil one.

also “divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.” (Dt 18:10-12)

Translated from Portuguese