Do Not Fear and You will See the Impossible!

The father of a family comes to you. This man was with his daughter gravely ill. He intended to do all to save his daughter, but it appears that her illness has no cure. So it was with this the disease that had taken all his money without any result. With each new intent, he is broken anew. Humanly there was nothing that could save the daughter of Jairus. But his love for his daughter gave him the power to continue. After each try, he felt fear. He had no more faith, but he still had love. And this made him persevere. He heard that Jesus resurrected the dead. Then could he try again? How many times did he turn to God, but in his heart something said: “You will be broken anew”

In order to go to Jesus, Jairus had to overcome his doubts and his fear. He had to decide for Jesus and the Lord saw him.
You had to decide for Jesus and Jesus saw your decision.

Surely when this man decided to go to Jesus, his friends counseled him that he should not go, because his daughter was in her last moments. He ran the risk. But fortunately, this man did not allow himself to be driven by fear, because something said to him that he should expect a miracle.

He entered an adventure whose end he did not know, and when he saw Jesus he did not know what was going to happen. The word says: “falling at the feet of Jesus, he asked him to enter his house. (Luke 8:41)—Doing this now, ask Jesus that he may go to visit the people in your house.—They were already on the road, but something inconvenient happened—a woman stopped Jesus. It was urgent that Jesus go to Jarius’ house, but also this woman needed Jesus. Jesus asked who touched him. Afterwards the woman told her story to Jesus and Jesus counseled her. And this father remained waiting, but this wait helped him to see a miracle.

In his waiting this man received the worst news that he could have heard: Your daughter is dead. And they said to him, “do not bother the Teacher anymore.” Can you imagine what this man felt in his heart? Yet again the frustration. But Jesus looked at him firmly in the eyes and asked him nothing. Jesus only said to him, Do not fear, only have faith and she will be saved. Do not fear and you will see the impossible happen!

He believed because, otherwise, he would not have brought Jesus to his house. Therefore, Jesus said to him not to fear, only believe.—He says it to you, do not fear.—Although he had fear he says to believe, because he did not believe fully yet. Happy are you that do not have a hope that is other than Jesus. At times Jesus takes from us our foundations in order that we may put our faith only in Him. Jesus never ignores a petition for help, He does not ignore your prayer, Jesus has heard you.

Faith that is capable of healing and transforming is faith that is a gift of God. And God concedes it to whomever needs it. Jesus helps this man and this man believes more in Jesus than in the news that his daughter died. And his daughter had really died.

Now this is especially for those who are going through secret moments trial. Allow me to say something to you. The result is coming, the light is coming, there exists a light at the end of the this tunnel and Jesus is the light.

When they arrived at the house of Jairus, they said that the girl was dead. And many mocked Jesus, all doubted—except the father, because he was a witness of the healing of the woman with the hemorrhage and he also had been healed in his heart. Meanwhile, you are being healed,while you are praying in this moment, someone of your house is resurrecting. When our house is converted our house changes, rise up!
Many victories wait for you! Our life with Jesus is not a life without difficulties, but neither is a life without victories!

Jesus said to the child, To you I say to you get up! And the child got up and gave a hug to her father.

Repeat with me: Bring to us, Oh God, your Divine strength, that you used in our favor! It is the Lord who gives us strength and security!

Put your hand over your heart: It is the Lord who gives us strength and security. Whoever believes in Jesus is never lost. Walk firmly with strength: We know to whom we follow.

The Lord is our strength, the Lord is our victory!

Marcio Mendes

translated from Spanish

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