Balancing Sexuality

It’s very hard nowadays not to be tempted in sexuality. Hence we are faced with stimuli. People learn from adolescence or even before,  sensuality that brings power status, self-esteem, then, becomes seductive, provocative. And some really surrender to it, living in impurity.

When we return to God we hear said that chastity is a method of purification of all this dirt thrown on us. Be we run the risk of living a Puritanism and we don’t work correctly the sexuality as a gift from God and appreciate its true beauty.

There is a difference between Chastity and Continence
Chastity considers the fact that we are sexual and it raises ito ts true purpose, not wanting to pry it out of us: “
Chastity includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery which is a training in human freedom. The alternative is clear: either man governs his passions and finds peace, or he lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy. “Man’s dignity therefore requires him to act out of conscious and free choice, as moved and drawn in a personal way from within, and not by blind impulses in himself or by mere external constraint. Man gains such dignity when, ridding himself of all slavery to the passions, he presses forward to his goal by freely choosing what is good and, by his diligence and skill, effectively secures for himself the means suited to this end.(Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church – art. No. 2339).

Chastity is the way of training the human body and its stimuli, channeling their true potential. It is not an alienating option, it does not escape reality, it does not frustrate, but reassures, it does not weaken or diminish the desire, but it gives order and it strengthens, and gives self-mastery, self control, self esteem.

Continence is abstention (cf. It is Puritanism. It extracts something and does not return another option. In the area of sexuality, continence will cause the person to fight against his impulses, but without directing them to the right place. Continence in itself creates anxiety, because the desire still exists in the old way, and when one is confronted again with the stimulus it will increase the tension until he does not resist. And not resisting, it will create within the person the feeling of guilt, through the pride of not recognizing weakness through what is God’s law.

It is very important to know the difference between chastity and continence, and of course working on the inside. As far as we know, even those who contracted a marriage, and they are allowed intercourse, and when not guided well in their sexuality, may again return to vices like masturbation, seeking new adventures or stimuli via the internet etc.

While a person that controls his instincts is somewhat more calm, relaxed, someone who knows how to relate in all circumstances, even the most adverse conditions.

Never has one see in the history of all time, a person who was happy when he acted in large part driven by his passions. Instead, wars have generated from passions, revenge, hatred and feelings opposite to love.

Turn away from human passions that make war on yourselves. ” (cf. James 4: 1)

Human passions ignite inner conflicts against the inclinations we have of noble things and of eternal life.

Chastity is the foundation to get the temper what we need to get where you want.

A winner, needs good principles, regularity, constancy and faith, believe that is possible. Otherwise s/he will be distracted the first temptation that coems down the road, driven by instinct s/he will remain there.

Only one heart in God is able to have that clarity, that it is possible to realize it from what is just, true.

Chastity conditions us to be driven by the soul and to be open to the view of eternity.

God Bless You!

Sandro Arquejada

Translated from Portuguese