Truth About Yourself

Life is indelibly marked by a truth of its own. By accepting God’s gift, man is obliged to maintain life in this truth which is essential to it. To detach oneself from this truth is to condemn oneself to meaninglessness and unhappiness, and possibly to become a threat to the existence of others . . .(Evangelium Vitae 48)

Loving God and those around us (cf Luke 19:18) does not consist in just following some of the commandments in favor of life, but in observing the law of the Lord in all its extensions.

Doing the will of God in our respect and obedience to the divine laws is to encounter the full significance of our existence. And to recognize love as basic and original vocation of the human being.
Let us know the truth over our selves in order to understand and accept the truth of our brother, Be always true in assuming this as a goal for our actions freeing us thus for the daily experience of love of life.

That the gospel may be the great criterion that guides the options and the paths of our life (John Paul II)

Jesus, I trust in You,

Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the New Song Community

translated from Portuguese