We Are Going to Give the Best Present

When we love someone, we always want to be close to the person and offer him or her the the best of what we have and what we know that will make the beloved happy.

The best of all presents that we can offer today to someone is to ask God that this person may be filled with the Holy Spirit.

We are doing this? Certainly she will no longer be the same, his/her life will be completely transformed and will gain a whole new feeling, a new enthusiasm and filled with joy.

When Isabel heard the salutation of Mary, the child leaped in her womb and Isabel was filled with the Holy Spirit. (Lk 1:41)

Jesus, we want today to be instruments of Your grace, in order that all the people that the Lord puts in our life may be filled with the Divine Holy Spirit.

Jesus I trust in you!
Luzia Santiago.

Translated from Portuguese