NTD Until the Second and Definitive Coming of Jesus!

NTD (Not This Day) [in Portuguese-PHN] is the struggle of saying “No” to sin, while we make vigil in waiting day after day for the second and definitive glorious coming of the Lord.

Our father-founder Monsignor Jonas Abib always preaches the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as he teaches us the Word of God. He brings many people to their feet in the expectation for the second coming of Christ or our going to Him. One thing or the other, as he teaches us, is going to happen.

NTD is nothing more and nothing less than a profound communion of which God has put into the heart of Monsignor Jonas for decades.

That which drives this man, that which happens, why the stadium exists all that you see here in the New Song Community is because this man, for at least 4 decades lives in expectation day after day, And each one of us are also in this marvelous life.

When he preaches to us the coming of Jesus, he does not preach fear, but rather the coming of the King. of That One that had our skin, felt hunger, pain, fear, solitude, fatigue, he was dressed like each of us. He proved through “a” plus “B” that He declared the definitive destruction of Satan.

The Devil’s plan is not to conquer God, because Satan is already lost. What is then his plan? It is gather more for destruction.

Jesus already declared, however, that we are victors. This victory is to be lived in the expectation of His second and definitive coming.

I want to declare now that NTD, nothing more and nothing less is a piece of a dream joined to the bigger dream of Monsignor Jonas in the view of the Second Glorious Coming of The Lord.

I only have the day that is called “today”. I want , therefore, not to be prepared, but to be in expectation. Whatever moment this same Jesus is going to return, may encounter me fallen, but fallen in the battlefield [against sin], fighting, fighting!

Father Jonas taught me that when I wake up, before all, I should say: “Good Morning, Holy Spirit! What are we going to do together Today?” This is to live in expectation.

You that committed grave sin, abortion, prostitution—guilt changes in your heart because that day does not exist any more if you already confessed. It is today. This is to work with the only day of today. If you fall because of your weakness, go to confession and then the Eucharist can make you a strong person.

In the Name of Jesus throw the finger of the accuser from your face.

Translated from Portuguese