A Miracle Described


I want to share with you that which happened when I was in Rio de Janeiro.

I was participating in an event organized by the mission house of Rio. There was a tea in the afternoon with a marvelous participation of people of the city. I was very happy with the accomodations that I received.

Later, after the event, at 7:00 pm I celebrated a mass for our collaborators from Rio, people who love us and help us in the evangelization contributing financially and with their presence in events that happen in this city.

At the end I saw a child asking me for a minute of my time. I was a little rushed for I was tired and wanted to leave. But I have him a minute nevertheless!

“A Miracle, Father! A miracle happened here.” He spoke to me very emotional. He thanked me for all that I said in the mass and that he was with all plans to kill himself in the previous night. When his wife convinced him to participate in my mass and he said was his last appointment before he killed himself. He continued saying that at that moment his life changed and that the anguish that he was feeling before was returned to Hell.

What blessing it is to received the testimony of the grace of God in the live of this young person!!! Praise be to God!!! through the strength of his wife who invited him to participate in this mass and for the young man to have accepted the invitation. God spoke to his heart. therefore, It was the courage that there when it appeared that nothing could change the situation. God could save and change a life only through an invitation that you made to a person in need.

Thank you for spending the time to read this testimony

Fr. Cleidimar

Translated from Portuguese