We Were Created for Loving

The Lord asks us: “That which I ask you is that you love one another”! (John 15:17)

We were created for loving! Loving implies accepting a communion of sincere friendship and gratitude. Loving is making oneself vulnerable, small  . .  and putting oneself in the attitude of receiving the other in one’s house with his riches and qualities, as well as his poverty and brokenness.

Communion is the place of community, it is the home of belonging one to the other and of making ourselves responsible and friends with one another. (cf. John 15:15)

Let us pledge from today on to make concrete gestures of love to the other as Christ himself taught us.

God does not ask of us excesses, but makes us do the good.” Said St. Teresa.

It is necessary always to ask to God for the birth, growth and the maturity of love in us. We ask the Lord that He may come to help us in our limitations in our interaction with other persons, because it is the quality of our love that makes the difference.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia santiago

Translated from Portuguese