We Need to Love, to Allow Ourselves to Be Love

People need to learn to receive love. And it is in the warm environment of a home in the environment of a family, that the people learn to be loved. Allow yourself to love. Allow yourself to experience love, kindness,  care and understanding, forgiveness.

We need the pure love of the father, of the mother of brothers . . .  we need pure love our family. Yes, the family is and needs to be an oasis of love. It is urgent to preserve these oasis of love.

How good it is to be family! How good it is to have the presence of men and women, of adults, of youth and of children! How good it is to have differences… differences of type, of temperment, of opinions of points of view. How good to have to live with the different.

Your Brother

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese