Obedience to God Brings Us Happiness

Our happiness, a victory of the good in life and in eternity depend on our obedience. that is how God gives us life. We do not lose anything in obedience. Unfortunately, we are marked through disobedience. Original Sin itself puts this poison in us.

When one speaks of obedience to God, something grates within us. We hear that obedience to the Lord is the synonym of suffering, it is to be unhappy, poor, weak, when, in truth, it is exactly the opposite. The enemy leads us to think like this. 

To obey is an act of will. There is resistance in us. It is necessary to want to obey because disobedience is the road of unhappiness, however, obedience is the road to salvation.

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Translated from Portuguese


Monsignor Jonas Abib is the Founder of the New Song Community.