Your Choice to Be Like Gods, or to Be Godlike

I wrote Wednesday about a book, taught in at least one local university graduate course, that opens with praise of the devil and lists the method needed to take upon political power in this world. Does that formula look familiar? I hope so, it is the second temptation in today’s gospel.

Fr. Jonas Abib brings up a powerful point about that temptation. Look it over. The Devil begins by proclaiming that all the power of the world kingdoms has been given over to him. He can hand it over to Jesus, if only Our Savior will simply bow down before him. Jesus explains that one should only worship and serve the Lord. Yet notice, he never refutes the Devil’s claim that this power is his to give!!! Whoa, that is a powerful point that Fr. Jonas teaches.

I want you to think, if you took the Devil up on his offer, what would you do with it? You would first simply take care of that little detail of bowing down before the Devil (like those who ignore that silly detail of following a book that praises the Devil) and then he would give you that power to do with it as you wish. What would you do? First, notice that the book Rules for Radicals promotes the ideas of lying, cheating, etc. to get what you want. It also teaches to destroy Christianity using the very tool the Devil uses all the time against Christians. Shame and never forgive! These are tools of the Devil. So you would use the Devil’s methods to do what you consider the right thing to do? You would cure world hunger, you would end all war. You would bring peace among nations, or would you? The real question would be, how successful would you be? I can promise you that you would not be successful at all.

Let me ask you to notice something else. The Devil bestows powers upon you that were given to him, but they are not originally his powers, they are God’s. In taking the Devil up on his offer you have put yourself at enmity with God. In fact, you would have fallen to the first temptation of the Devil from Genesis: You will be like gods. (Gen 3:5)

The offer is a ruse, only God is God and as Jesus teaches us, nothing happens without His knowing. It is a teaching at Canção Nova that all happens with God’s knowledge, but not necessarily His permission.

What is at the bottom of all this is discernment. Discernment begins in humility: Who are we? We are children of God and no more or less. Therefore, if we want true power and wisdom, if we want to do the will and the work of God, we must be humble before Him and allow Him to educate and form us. That is not an easy process.

The devil’s offer is a trap and it can be seen in its easiness. Just do that simple little detail of bowing down and worshiping him and you will become like a god. But there is only one God in this universe and you are not Him. Neither is the devil. You are simply one of God’s creatures. If you can humble yourself before God and worship him. If you can offer your life to Him, you will, as St. Paul tells us, rule nations (1 Cor 6:2). However, you must be formed first and unlike the Devil’s offer, it is no easy task.

Allowing yourself to be formed into God’s ways is a powerful way of life, but it is not easy and comes with great pains and difficulties. Yet, the fruits of this effort are bountiful.

The Devil’s easy road is actually the beginning of a nightmare that puts you at enmity with God. It looks easy, and it is, but that easy road ends there. From that point on, you will do the Devil’s bidding as he tries to convince you that you are the smart one who will end the problems in the world. However, the problems in the world cannot be ended by external force without creating the devil’s tyranny. They can only end by a world of people whose hearts have changed from focusing on what is best for them personally, to what is God’s will for all.

As we hit this first Sunday of Lent, let us ask ourselves this week: What parts of our lives do we need to offer to God. What parts of our lives have been influenced by the Devil? The answer to that question is easy. What is the root of our bitterness, our fears, our angers, our greeds, our lusts and all our sins, etc. Where are we weakest. Look at those parts of your life this week and offer them up to the Lord. Ask for Him to heal those areas. He may ask you to bow down and worship Him and allow Him to take control of that part of your life. Let Jesus do it. He, unlike the other guy, loves you. In fact, remember what I told you, that 2nd temptation of Jesus is what you can find in the book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, that it is taught in local universities. The Devil is no fool, he even gets people to pay tens of thousands of dollars to listen to what you can read in one line in the Gospel of Luke. Jesus offers His love to us for free. It will however, transform us. Yet, when you look at these dark elements of our lives, don’t you think they need transforming?

God Bless You,

Fr. Robert J. Carr

the author is an alliance member of the New Song Community, the Pastor at St. Benedict Parish in Somerville, MA and the editor of this blog.


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