Prayer for the Santification of Priests for the "Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus"

Oh Jesus who has instituted the priesthood in order to continue on the Earth
the divine work of saving souls protect our priests (especially . . .)
in the refuge of your SACRED HEART.
Keep from stain their CONSECRATED HANDS,
that daily touch your HOLY BODY,
and keep pure their lips touched by your PRECIOUS BLOOD.
Make that they preserve pure their hearts
marked with the sublime stamp of PRIESTHOOD.
and do not permit that spirit of the world to contaminate them.
Increase the number of apostles and that your holy love protects them from all danger.
Bless their works and struggles
and that the fruit of Your apostolate may obtain the salvation of many souls
that they may be your counsel here on earth and your eternal crown in Heaven. Amen.

Translated from Spanish