God Is with Us in All Moments.

Normally we walk very well until pain comes upon us. In the hour that our emotions speak stronger, all types of worries raise themselves, the insecurities take us over, anxiety surrounds us, finally all is transformed. This is the hour of faith and trust in God, who always is with us and never abandons us. It is the hour of passing through the valley of death, but knowing that there is a Shepherd that loves us and cares for us.

Trust in God in what He has for us. It is true that you do not understand why of your difficulties, through which you are passing. Accept them, for the Lord is with you in all these moments. 

“We accept good things from God; and should we not accept evil?” (Jó 2,10).

We need to be firm in God, being men and women of fiber, spiritual combatants that are confronted with the difficulties that may come up. Suffering gives us the temperment of spiritual warriors.

Your Brother,

Monsignor Jonas Abib

Monsignor Abib is the founder of the New Song Community of Brazil