We Are Not Alone on the Road

Paris from the Eiffel Tower

Paris from the Eiffel Tower

Who never finds himself behind a car so slow like a tractor, usually in the day with the most important appointment?

In life we are not alone and it is common to wait for the others frequently. Therefore, God asks us to care for the most fragile, the poor, the small, . . .

We need to have that patience that has to come from asking God, then it is there. This opportunity, thanks be to God, comes to walk the road to fraternal charity, the road to holiness.

It is very common to have passengers and not the ones that we may want. How have we driven? In a way that leaves them nauseous, filled with insecurity, or in a way that that leaves them relaxed and assured.

In life we also have to have passengers that are not always thankful or they may become a burden for us.

How have we driven with those that they may trust us?

New Song Community of Toulouse, France

Translated from Portuguese