News From New Song Chile

The following appeared on the Cancion Nueva (New Song) Chile blog from our brothers and sisters in that community in Chile. It is translated from Spanish:

Hello brothers and sisters, we are alive and thanks be to God my city is quite modern. All the basic services are working, including the internet.
Notices from Chile: Various historic churches have fallen to the ground. . . Lines of communication are blocked to give preference to the emergency services. There are higways that are cut.

From the city of Cancion Nueva (New Song) missionary Daniel Galaz: There are no fatalities nor injured according to the Red Cross and the Government of Chile. I am assuming the weight of not having direct contact with their family, they are very well.

Brother and Sisters, I ask you much prayer for the brothers who have died already there are 300 confirmed [since this writing the number is over 700]
Those that have the ability, send help to the Red Cross and the Church. Already in the epicenter there are many people without homes and the Metropolitan Seminary of Concepcion perhaps should be demolished. The seminarians are now moved to the North area mainly to the seminaries of Valparaiso and Santiago.

Blessings Brothers.
Remain in prayer, now I disconnect from the internet already that the main use is that others use the communication to connect to members of their family.

Alvaro Admin
Cancion Nueva (New Song) Chile