Counting on the Holy Spirit

We cannot do anything without counting on the action of the Holy Spirit. Physical healing happens through faith in the action of the Spirit, that which brings healing and organizes the spiritual life is prayer.  If you do not pray, you become incapable of doing by yourself that which is at your limit. When we have strength without prayer, we lack wisdom.

It is God who assists us in the great and small things of life. Prayer is what gives us direction for life. If you do not pray, you become incapable of doing by many things by yourself. When we have strength without prayer, we lack wisdom.

Thus as those that study music study the musical tonalities to play their instrument well, those that desire to prayer with efficiency should educate themselves for the life of prayer. When we put our heart in God and we begin to listen to Him, the response always come. The problem is that we are not otherwise sufficiently educated to hear Him.

When we hear the instruction of God and we put it into practice. If we are not only happy or more happy because we have yet to learn to listen to god and put into practice his orders.

Prayer heals us because it unites us to God Whoever does not pray takes himself from the presence God. Prayer perseveres, in little time, it heals the spirit and turns a shield against the sadness and against discouragement.

Therefore as the Psalmist, David, a sinful man that recognized his guilt before God, we are invited to through prayer give ourselves to God, with all the wounds that can only be healed by Jesus in the track of a life of prayer.

That our will and dreams may be put in synthesis with God.

Marcio Mendes,

New Song Community

Translated from Portuguese