Losing Today to Gain Tomorrow

Peace and Good

Beloved brothers and sisters,

Yesterday all day, this phrase kept remaining in my head: It is necessary to know how to lose today in order to win tomorrow! Reflecting in our lives, this really is a great truth, for all our decisions generate some consequence, we need to assume all these consequences.

When I speak in knowing how to lose; it is seeing with the confidence and believing that tomorrow is a new life.

Imagine the following: a seed! We see in it all good. We begin to see in the seed the beautiful, but in order that it may give good fruits it is necessary to plant it in the Earth and plant it well. For some days we can no longer admire this seed. We remain for some months with the thought that we may lose this seed, but in truth we did not lose it. It was planted. We are able almost to say some days, that we may lose but we will win with the passing of time a good tree, with good fruits and twigs.

Thus is our life. We cannot remain only in the superficiality of things. That seed could last some days on top of the earth, but certainly will die. It was necessary to make the decision of letting go of this admiration. It was needed to be planted to believe and hope for the growth.

I invite you today to do the same. Do not fear, make the decisions today in your life in God, Do not remain just admiring, it is necessary to have the courage of losing today to gain tomorrow.

God Bless you,

Fr. Bruno Costa

Translated from Portuguese

New Song Community