The Truth about The Woman Caught in Adultery.

Today’s gospel about the woman caught in adultery is another one in which there is a popular interpretation that is not all that correct.

The popular interpretation is that Jesus expressed his mercy in the sight of those who chose to condemn and convinced them that their sinfulness was something to reflect upon before they condemn another. This actually is not a fully accurate interpretation. There is so much going on in this gospel that is overlooked.

Let us look at the elements. They bring before Jesus a woman caught in adultery. The law said that she should be stoned to death.

OK let us look at those elements.

The law on adultery was indeed quite strict but it deferred to the woman. If the incident happened in the country, the law did not call for death. It was this law to which Joseph referred when he considered putting Mary away. The reason for this was that there was always the possibility that a rape had happened and the woman’s calls for help would not have been heard in the country where people were not always nearby.

However, in the city, there was an understanding that one could cry for help and therefore the death was the penalty because it was assumed that this was indeed adultery.

Let us look at another element. The woman was caught in adultery. Adultery is committed when there is a minimum of two people and at least one is married. Outside of those conditions there is no adultery. So, we have to assume one of the two is married. However we can see one of the two is missing. The law stated that both should be put to death, not just the woman. The accusers state that they caught the woman in adultery and cite the law, but the law demanded that both are accused. Only one is accused. This is a major point that many leave out. Where is the man.

Now let us look at this situation even deeper. The accusers are citing the law which is based on the ten commandments. Those commandments clearly forbid adultery and there is no indication that the woman was indeed not caught in that act. However, the commandments also forbid bearing false witness which the accusers also know and are committing. Remember they caught the woman in the adultery. They are coming forward to put her to death, but they are keeping hidden the identity of the man even though he too committed the same crime and the law calls for his death as well.

The law also stated that the people who were to throw the first stone were the witnesses. Those who caught the woman in adultery are the ones to throw the first stone. They are also the ones who are keeping hidden the identity of the man. Even one can ask is the man one of the those in the crowd? Was this a set-up using the woman, with him participating?

Now the whole dynamic changes. They are using the woman to undermine Jesus and condemn him and in the process they are filled with sin themselves.

I want to look at what is happening here, because what is happening in this gospel is happening in this country.

They accusers are manipulating the law to their advantage. They have absolutely no charity, when charity decreases legalism increases.

Jesus confronts this attitude and leaves them unable to continue their plans, but they attempt to do so later.

Now remember what is ultimately behind the scenes.

You have a group of people struggling for power in the shadow of the Roman Government. Remember, however, that this Jewish state has only forty years left. Jesus knows this, the accusers do not.

They are turning their back on God, using the law as their sign of devotion to God while in fact they are devoted to their own power. Does this look familiar. You can see the same attitudes of turning from God, exalting the law, using it your advantage and to manipulate power on the front page most newspapers in this country.

Jesus calls us to a standard of charity. This standard is based in love and justice. When we lose this standard, we become self deceived and focus on the law as the standard. This allows us to use the law for our own advantage in a way that exalts one group over another and increases injustice. That increases, dissension, division, resentment, anger and hatred it causes a breakdown weakening in society which eventually happened in Judea.

Always beware of those using the law to enforce their own worldview and power structure, but more importantly always be aware of doing it yourself. Investigate every part of your life that is not connected to God, especially look for those areas that are self-deceived. Remember that no one in the Earth is more legalistic than the Devil, he can cite every law and every infraction of the law. He is after all the accuser. However, there is no charity in the Devil and therefore there is no justice nor love. There is only accusation.

This is what the crowd manifests. Beware of these attitudes in yourself. Justice must be tempered with truth and mercy. When it is untempered and is used to put forth an agenda, justice is used to promote tyranny just as it was here. There is no greater tyrant than the Devil. Jesus responds with the mercy and truth which angers the crowd, mostly like just as much as it angers the devil.

Do not let your justice be a tool of the Devil.

God bless you,

Fr. Robert J. Carr

Fr. Carr an alliance member of the New Song Community, the pastor at St. Benedict Parish in Somerville, MA and the editor of this blog.

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