Its The Last Week of Lent: Did You Change?

Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mk 1, 15b)

This was the first order of Jesus when He began his public ministry. It was also these words that the priest, upon marking our forehead with ashes during the Ash Wednesday mass. And what was our response? Amen! That is, So be it, I believe, I want, I assume…

We all know that Lent is the time of conversion. We are now in the 5th and last week of this liturgical time and will it be that already we progressed in our conversion. Will it be that we have made concrete steps to change our life? Will it be that our acts of penitence that we proposed to do, will have an effect in our lives. Did we improve or will we continue being the same persons?

These are neccesary questions for today. Progressing in the way of the Lord requires a constant and radical decision. It is necessary to be conscience of that many times will are going to fall, but also we need to convince ourselves that it is necessary to get up, to continue and to progress.

To convert yourself is to change. To change the posture, change the attitudes, conversations, thoughts, Change why? To the words, thoughts and attitudes that come from the heart of God, actions of people that desire holiness, who are willing to quit their addiction, leave behind the sin, evil intentions, and embark on the path of the Lord.

Today, my  brother, we live in a time of grace, a special time,  special suitable for this to occur. Don’t lose time! Decide now, Change! Convert now. I too need more conversion in this day, therefore, I know that about myself. Thus there are many things to be transformed thus I can be better, I can be more of God, I have to do a lot of growing and you too don’t you?

I count on your prayers, count on mine.

Emaneul Stenio