Today is the Day to Love Those Around You

The Father’s mercy manifested itself for us in Jesus Christ, and it is through Him that all good and all grace comes to us. He is the God that suffers the tribulation for us to console us in all our afflictions. In order that through the medium of consolation we may receive from God and we may be able to console all those that are afflicted around us.

The comfort of God in His Word is a person, it is the Holy Spirit, called by Jesus the Consoler. The Lord in His life, also he needed to be supported by a cyrenian named Simon. (cf Mt 27:32ff) by Veronica, who wiped His Face, also in the house of Lazarus he felt comfort. And many times, he needed to lie on the lap of his Mother.

All that of the most sweet and most tender which exists we encounter in the Holy Spirit, our faithful and true Friend.

We are consolers in order to comfort our brothers. Who is not consoled, does not know how to console. We may console ourselves being consoled by God. Therefore, we must become a source for comfort for those that are at our side. We need to be another Jesus for this person. Because all the strength given to us at our baptism, because the love of God was poured out in our heart by His Holy Spirit.

Where does this come from? It comes from God the Father. From our Lord Jesus Christ and the Father of all consolation. The comforter comes over those that need to be comforted. The Lord consoles us in all our afflictions. You are troubled? Today the Lord is looking at you, at your side in this moment of affliction, because the help of God manifests itself for you.

What is the secret of consolation? The secret is to pass on the comfort that we receive. This grace cannot stop in me or in you. We have to pass it on; we have to comfort our neighbor. How is it that God consoles us? With His Living word, that is the true hope.

All love that we do not pass on, that we do not give to our neighbor, will become selfishness, it is estranged love and corrupted love. There in Gethsemani, Jesus sought comfort and did not encounter it. His friends were sleeping, He returned and cried, he returned and again encountered them sleeping. Will today be the day that you cannot console Jesus in the persons that are around you?

This is the promise of the Lord for you, then, ask the Holy Spirit that He will come to you in a new way. I am certain that God is working in your heart today, and giving you the ability to help others.

We give ourselves to God in order to receive the Lord who gave himself for us. It is to jump into the pool of mercy. If you want to receive this consolation, with certainty, you will have a new experience in your life. If you give yourself to God you are going to experience the comfort of Him and perceive the Spirit working in you and changing your heart and you will not be the same person anymore.

Márcio Mendes
New Song Community

Transcription and adaption in original Portuguese by Célia Grego