God Said: Do Not Fear!

God said, do not fear, you have a God that loves you and only desires your happiness. This same God gave his only Son in order to be one of us, in all things, except sin.

He redeemed us from Sin by his death on the cross and assumed all the consequences. The cross until then was the sign of a curse. The Son of Almighty God died on it and, therefore, that which was a curse, sign of death, became a sign of blessing.

See that you are not alone. Christ our Lord, did not abandon us, He is with us. Here we have pain, disease, we may cry, but that which we should do is to look to the cross of the Lord, trusting that He comes to take from our hearts all sadness, all sorrow, all hurt. . . He comes in order that we may have life in abundance.

Jesus Himself told us that we will have problems, but He defeated the World. We have to confront all that is of the world. This demands courage, for our light is not against men, but against the powers of the darkness of the enemy.

The Devil tries to discourage us that we may not continue. that we may part in the middle of the road, but this should not happen with the baptized, consecrated that we are. We should not in any moment, ever, turn back. God is more and we belong to HIm. He is our victory.


Translated from Portuguese

Zezinho is a Missionary from the New Song Community.