From Where Do We Find the Courage to Confront Challenges?

We all know that St. Peter loved Jesus greatly, but fear led him to deny the Lord. It appears not to combine love and denial, but at times, we are betrayed by our fears and insecurities; and in them we don’t understand ourselves our attitudes such as these.

All of us have some type of fear, that which, at times, is tricky, but the great grace is that the Lord, in his infinite love for each one of us, gives us the Holy Spirit, the force from above, to help us in our weaknesses. Therefore, we take the Divine Friend as companion during all our earthly journey. We invoke the presence of Him in all our moments and in whatever circumstances.

The same Peter that denied Christ, afterwards received the Holy Spirit, he was capable of confronting prisoners, authorities and all of that questioned and persecuted him in service to the Lord.

“Therefore, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit said to them, Today we are being interrogated for having made well a sick man and for the manner in which he was healed. And throuigh the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarean, the one that you crucified and that God resurrected from the dead that this man is healed before you.” (Acts 4:8-9, 10b)

With the simplicity of a child, we invite the Holy Spirit to lead us throughout our day.

Come Holy Spirit.

Luzia Santiago

Translated from Portuguese