What Are Your Motives?

There is no one that knows us more than ourselves. Begin to observe to see how many surprises you will have. When we analyze ourselves we are perceiving all the qualities that we have and also the small and big vices that we feed. I am accustomed to do this experience and I have made great discoveries of myself.

Each time the Holy Spirit brings me to know myself more deeply. It is a unique grace to know our qualities and our limitations, in order that we may be able to improve.

Many times we want that people change, living with them, we remain looking at their defects and until we are irritated with many of our brothers, when in truth, we need to change.

Generally, we find ourselves very good, but if we observe our intentions in realizing each thing, not always with our intentions be straight-forward.  Always there is a certain self-interest for the desire we seek, while we want to prove in a particular situation that we are perfect.

Do you stop to ask yourselves, if your intentions really are sincere and just?

Many times, we help someone but the real intention not is to practice true charity, but yes, to be known and chosen and to receive some human recompense.

May we ask the Lord that He may purify the intentions of our heart, in order that we may are able to see and to imitate Him.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10).
Jesus I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago
Translated from Portuguese