Prayer of Intercession for Our Family

Right now, we want to put into Your Presence all the families of the world, especially the families of those that are now praying with us, united in faith in communion with you.

We want to thank You and Praise You for our home, for our family and for live of our spouse, children, for the children that will be born and for those that suffered miscarriage or were aborted, for the matrimonial blessing, for the sacrament that one day we may receive in your presence.

Today, with lots of faith and confidence, we want to put each family in the heart of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, bless our family and all families of the world. We beg for your grace and the power of your redemptive blood to clean each family of all bad and sin that today has destroyed our homes. . . .

Today, we want to consecrate each home and each family to Your sacred heart and we want Your pardon, for all the times that we have contributed to lack of peace, love, understanding in our family, for all aggression that may have committed in ourselves, for offenses and for lies, for through lack of comprehension and acceptance.

Pardon, Lord, for all the times that we had rage, that we reacted with violence against the person that your Lord gave us to share life in the family.

Pardon, Lord, for all the indifference in our mutual treatment, for times that our attitudes are extreme that bring them to sin against us and against You.

Pardon, Lord for all the times that we become so irritated that we may blaspheme and we others to blaspheme as well.

We put before you all the sins of our familes that many times are repeated, because we learn the world’s way of family living by seeking material goods, spending more than we earn and focusing ourselves on superflous things, taht we skip many meals, that we remain more in front of the TV than converse with our families, that we spend time with gossip than praying or brings ourselves to Church and exercising our faith. . .

We have to ask pardon for our complaceny, for our pagan feasts that we may have in our homes, and the music that we hear that is pagan and many times scandalous, we ask pardon for our way of dressing that is many times filled with sensuality and not as it should be as sons and daughters of God.

We ask pardon for our movies that we go see, novels, tv programs that are so scandalous, also the books and magazines that do not contribute for our healthy growth physically or spiritually.

Lord, we put before you all our sins and repented of, we cry for call for Your mercy.

Lord in Your name we bless each member of our family. And we free our house from all forms of curse that may way upon us and our children, or may be caused by occultism, spiritism, evoking the dead that we may have brought these contaminations to our family , conformed in your word, we are renouncing them and asking for Your pardon. And we praise you, bless you and thank you for the life of each one of us.

That our heart may be touched by the breath of Your Holy Spirit. That our spiritual eyes may be open and see that quality of those that the Lord put in our ALDAO and thus way are able to pardon then with Your pardon and love them with Your love as You have loved them.

Lord Jesus, we know that you have the power to make us new creatures. Therefore we ask that Your powerful hand may come to cure our being, each member of our family, the interior of each one of us, so that our relationship becomes all new.

We ask that you may enter our house and be present in our house in the heart of every person taht lives with us that shares our life.

That the husband may be able to assume the position as head of the house, and that he may life his wife and children. that the wives may be loviing and filled graces and virtues, as should be the holy women and that the children love their parents, honor them and obey them, because thus they will receive the blessing of God, they will have a long and happy life. That the parents do not irriate their childen to the point of making them aggressive and discouraged, but that may correct them with love, bringing them to the Lord Jesus. Holy Father, we love your and bless you, we consecrate our lives, our home, our goods and our family to You.

In the name of Jesus, we thank you and thus as you created the family of Nazareth as model for us, may our family be thus. AMEN!!!!!

Fr. Vagner Baia

Translated from Portuguese