Day by Day

I was thinking today. So many things happen in life that are going to stress us and leave us tired. So many problems, disillusions, sufferings, etc.

Given this troubled world, there is nothing like one day after another. I remain imagining that we are going to some days, weeks, months, years more? Only God knows. Only He helps us to confront the situations and to overcome them with much wisdom. We can wait in the meantime to learn and to wait and to wait on God. Only He is able to help us overcome one day and to hope through the others with patience. Because there’s nothing living like one day after another!

It noted to us the daily life of the married couple. Many times they just stopped fighting, discussing, because of the situations of life and of the family. they remain many times with backs to each other, but the next day they are obliged to speak. Their necessities oblige them to return to speaking and in no time they are in love again. Therefore, nothing like one day after another that the Love does not overcome.

We are in one time where we are through love. we learn to overcomes difficulties. We learn to love, loving as He loves us. From this we learn to overcome one day and to hope for the other.
We are almost entering another seaons Perhaps that which your lived in the last season may have made you very disillusioned, with pain and suffering. Do not be discouraged, there is nothing like one day after another. Believe, hope, trust that in the second semester all will be different. think always, there is nothing like one day after another.

Congratulations and a big hug.
Fr. Jurandir Ribeiro

Alliance Member New Song Community

Translated from Portuguese