Returning to Ordinary Time

During the 50 days of Easter, We as Church do not fast nor do penance, because He is alive and present in our midst, He who conquered death, pain, hunger and war. We live the experience of being with the groom living with the Resurrected, Listening to His voice and imagining how great, beautiful and full of joy as Heaven is where we contemplate Him eternally.

Now in these last days, Our Lord Himself prepares us for His departure and promises us the Paraclete, His own Spirit. So it is with the impulse of the Holy Spirit, breathing His presence, vested in His annointing, that the Church returns to the ordinary time. She is conscious of us living, clamoring to the Spirit for those gifts and fighting to generate His fruits in our lives. it is the ordinary, the common time of the Church

Thus it is the Lord that we want to live day after day. that His Spirit may make us prophetic proclaimers of his Word who practice it as well, believers seeking to walk toward Heaven where life is Eternal Easter.

Estela Ferreira
New Song Missionary in Paraguay.

translated from Portuguese

Ordinary Time returns next Monday-ed.