O Soldier of Christ, Fight for the Crown of Salvation (II Tim 1:6-14)

In the second letter of Paul to Timothy, we encounter this exhortation that presents itself profoundly person and alive. Paul offers his example, remembering his ministry and preparing himself for martyrdom. It is a true alert to the reality of false teachers who have increased and strengthened themselves in those last days. Where the responsibility of the community of which are those that act as soldier, laborer, farmer, faithful servant, by giving a courageous testimony. We should not fear the growth of evil, for its defeat is inevitable. This letter is for us real and signifcant for also we live situations where draws near to the time of such interactions and the persecutions increase: We life in a time of hostilities and persecutions where the faith suffer attacks. Therefore, before this context grows the question: Our life of faith prepares us for trial or for defeat? I believe that we should review it with sincertiy and truth in view of repentance and of conversion.

The soldier of Christ himself in suffering, and in prison, allows us to be an evangelizer and a proclaimer, the gospel of Christ not bound, spreads through the force of divine grace. This constitutes the testimony of the proper life of the apostle Paul. Live that here encourages Timothy with his testimony, allowing him a true witness of the faithfulness and perseverance in the time of trials. And Paul motivates him not with an empty theory, but with his testimony of life. Testimony of one suffering with Christ as a prisoner, therefore, such testimony posses for us a tremendous actuality and a sure point of reference. It is needed, without doubt, to remain faithful to this apostolic doctrine resisting the trials as a soldier of Christ.

This text exhorts us to REVIVE THE GIFT OF GOD, THAT IS THE FORCE OF THE SPIRIT, LOVE AND WISDOM, in order to live with courage the testimony and the suffering for the cause of Christ and of His Gospel. For it is the Holy Spirit that forged His strength in us that we may be capable of a road of Christian fidelity in the doctrine and in the practice or the faith and life in intimate communion. The order is not to flinch. The faith needs to be constantly fed in order that it becomes certain and hopeful, not weak and cowardly. Therefore, if our existence becomes cowardly, without doubt the boldness of the wicked will conquer the cowardly of the good.

The spirit of strength reveals itself as opposed to fear and prejudice, and appoints for the necessity of a courageous and persevering testimony. This the inexhautible source that sustains and motivates the faith and the Christian testimony: Efficacious grace, gratuitous and salvific from God revealed in Jesus Christ and contained in the Good News of the Gospel. If the Word of the Redemption is not assimilated in the depths of the soul, it does not become full of life, the listener becomes distracted and superficial not evangelized by words of this force of life.

Only through the merits of Christ that saves humanity, does fidelity and the perseverance become possible in this valley of tears. Paul wants to show to Timothy that it will be the Holy Spirit that acts giving such testimony. Also in us this same spirit acts in order that the proclamation will be authentic and firm in the deposit of faith. Paul was called, therefore, as a preacher, apostle and teacher that suffered yes, with all, with a courage un matched confident in the force of God that sustained him. Therefore, Paul does not present himself as a model only for Timothy, but also for each one of us. A model of fidelity and Christian perseverance, guaranteed through the strength of the Holy Spirit that acts constantly in humanity. May the Lord grant us the faith of martyrs, the force of martyrs in this time where that testimony is so urgent and necessary.

With my Priestly Blessing,

Father Eliano Luiz Gonçalves, sjs.

Local Prior of the Salvific Mission in the New Song Community

Fr. Eliano Luiz Gonçalves, sjs, writes from Natal Brazil

Translated from Portuguese