Reconstruct Our House through the Power of the Spirit

Our house is a sanctuary, it is a place where God wants that our family is sanctified. So as the temple is holy, our house is holy. Our family is and needs to be center of holiness. Our family is like a child. We need a childlike attitude, full of love, of affection, of pardon…holy! Full of the Spirit. There is an expression very beautiful in the book of the prophet Isaiah, that which Jesus repeats:

The Spirit of the Lord rests on me, because the Lord consecrates me through the . (cf Is 61:1)

I always ask myself: What do you want to say “The spirit of the Lord rests on me? He is resting? He is resting on me? I looked for the significance of this expression. Until I discovered that the word “to rest” is the same used in the first book of the bible, Genesis, (GN1:2) where it says. The breath of God hovered over the waters.

These words are similar. In Hebrew the word is utilized to express that which the hen does she rests over the eggs to prepare them. She knows that to how to place herself over them, without them breaking, until the chicks are born.

You know that the Holy Spirit is resting over your house, your family. Also over the confusions of your home. Whoever brings confusion to your house was not God, Neither was it only you or someone from your family. But the Holy Spirit is there to transform all. He is faithful and powerful in order to do this work. Enough to want and to ask. He rests over your house and your family to transform Chaos to order and beauty.

It is necessary to ask for the effusion of the Holy Spirit over our house! A constant effusion in order that continually, He rests over our house and our family. We need to be the first intercessors of our house. It is necessary to consecrate our how to those that our its owners. It is certain: You want that God may be the owner of the house. That Jesus govern and put in order your house.

After having received the grace of the effusion of the Holy Spirit it is that we begin to read, to understand the Word of God and to enjoy it. We begin to enjoy prayer to return to Church and to be effective in her. We assume a new form in our marriage, we have an engagement a commitment according to the heart of God…

We are in the time of Mercy, After this time,  after this time, God will have to use Justice! He needs to clean the face of the earth for already dirt has fallen on humanity has been dirtied. he will have to remove all the garbage, remove the weeds from this world in order that His house is clean and then He can take possession of that which his His. “He Himself comes to save us.”

Declare this before the Lord:

My House is of God! My family is of God!

It is necessary that to make a great mission in order that the power of the Lord the anointing of the Holy Spirit, retakes the holy place that is in my house. I want to reconquer and return to God my house and my family. I enter in this mission, Lord investing all. Investing my life, even my blood, to reconquer for You the holy place that is my house.

From the book: Me and my house; We will serve the Lord.

by Monsignor Jonas Abib, founder of the New Song Community.

Translated from Spanish, where it appeared on the webpage of the New Song Community of Paraguay