The Monthly Retreat

A certain thing for all of us is this: Either the Lord comes to encounter us in his second and definitive coming or we are going to encounter Him after death! Either the Jesus comes or We go!! But the question is: You and I we are prepared for death?

Are you ready to die now? Will you finish this text??? I hope so… Finally the idea is that after reading this article you may have the opportunity of following in the habits of the saints and being prepared for death.

Heaven is our place, from there we came, to there we will go. We of the New Song Community (Canção Nova) learn with Monsignor Jonas Abib, to make a monthly retreat, preparing us for our encounter with Christ.

The retreat is a true work inside and outside. We begin the retreat making a purification in our soul and in our heart. Therefore, it is necessary to find a priest and make a good confession. Retreat from all negative thoughts and don’t give into negative feelings. Debris such as anger, jealousy, envy, sadness, indifference, coldness, malice, revenge, rudeness, stupidity, lies … put it all out. It’s total housecleaning!

Do not fear, take account of all, at the end you will need to remain clean, for the encounter with God.
Decide to pardon all the person who offended you. Pardon yourself if so necessary. Break with murmuring, stop demanding of things, persons and of life.

Perceive where you most fell into temptation and return to the road. Perceive where still there are wounds and look for prayer. Review your schedule and each one of your activities. Do not spend your time it is too precious to spend with futilities. Let’s make also an exterior purification.

You already observed how many things you don’t need, that you just consumed, adquired and worse fought for them. Will it be all that you possessed, is it truly necessary? You use all the things that you have? In your closet, do you see some clothes that no longer are any good or that you for one reason or another no longer use them. Do not remain hoping for a return to fasion or a loss of weight that you wanted to do for years.

Go to your wallet and your pocketbook, so many papers, cards, cds and videos, boxes, wrapping paper, glasses and carafes. things unused that occupy space. “Throw them out!” All of it. Put your things in order. Those little papers and cards that have the power of bringing nostalgia, the past, are impeding us from living the present.

That which is necessary to us, we maintain ourselves and care for them with zeal. That which is not necessary, and can be used by someone we donate, we give away. Therefore, that which does not have utility to anyone we should throw out.

The Devil hides himself dirt and in disorder! He is nasty and wants to put confusion in our soul and in our house. Therefore, free yourself already from all the baggage and dirtiness of your house, yoiur work and your areas of responsibility.
Making the retreat of the good death once per month, with certainty, you will be each month more prepared to encounter God.

We of the New Song Community, make our retreat at the end of each month. Choose the date and make the experience.

God bless you.

Adailton Batista.

translated from Portuguese