Corpus Christi

Religion links us with the Divinity. Those that choose a religion, the mind elaborates the stability and emotional perspectives principally if the religion is of a historical foundation. Religious choices devoid of context and sense can be dangerous to emotional stability.

Today we have the feast of the Body of Christ, where we remember and adore the Body of Christ. A feast eminently Catholic on a date marked by [Catholics around the world.] This faith in the Body of Christ is a dogma worthy of structured religion and with foundations. Even those that doubt the Body of Christ in the consecrated host, the miracles of the Eucharist, spread throughout the world, silencing the scientists and atheists. This mystery of faith that leads many to respect the Catholic religion, and also to be attacked by secular society, this is an institution with major recognition and reputation in western society.

Thanks to God for putting me before the Eucharist with faith. Being in an atmosphere of academics and intellectuals of the Psycho-analytic circles, they question me for believing in symbologia (inside of psycho-analytic literature). Responding in respect to them, that I am a being that needs a superior being, that my small intelligence needs to be guided by God. Freud gave the name of this as Oceanic Feeling, an allusion to the person that needs to have this type of vehicle. And I conclude saying that the God that I know, made flesh among us, and today manifests Himself in the daily Eucharist, co-mingles through millions of other persons that follow God through the Catholic Religion. I do not know if I would continue to practice religion if it did not have mystery and dogmas. or dogmas that undermined the faith. Aligning with religion is a question of faith. And Religion without dogmas is weak and without challenge for our humanity.

This body of Christ, revered on this day, is also a calling of comittment to all Christians. The comittment of which we must give the bread to satisfy the hunger of humanity, hunger of life, but also of food. To be Catholic, established in the networks through the Eucharist is we are promoting life for all of humanity. As Bishop Zanoni said after the adoration of the Eucharist in the surrounding procession of the Body of Christ in the city of Sao Mateus-ES, Brazil: ” We are people that belong to the mystical Body of Christ, to His Church. Therefore, with the comittment of reinventing the human forms of living in society. We need to rebuild our city for the practice of the common good.”

Gerson Abarca, psychologist

Translated from Portuguese.