Priest Called to Brotherhood and to Be Prophetic

Vatican City–Thousands of priests in the Roman Catholic Church gathered today for several events, including liturgy and a presentation by the New Communities in association with the Focalare movement. Among the New Communities is Canção Nova (New Song) which is the operator of this blog. Priests  were honored by presentations of worship, music, dance and talks by fellow priests, and prelates including Cardinal Hummes head of the Congregation for the Clergy and Cardinal Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State. The theme was one of understanding the role of priest within the brotherhood of the priesthood and living the prophetic role of priest in the Roman Catholic Church.

Presenters recognized the unique role that every priest has who serves in a parish and in his work with the laity who represent the everyday people of the world. It is the priest who becomes their spiritual support and is called to love that they may know Jesus more in their lives. Further, that those laity may go and teach others of Jesus.

Clearly presenters indicated the difficult role of the priesthood today including those from several former Communist countries and others from countries affected by the abuse crisis. Yet, they were quick to indicate that this does not give an excuse to undervalue the great amount of work the priest does in bringing Christ to his parishioners and the role the parishioners have of bringing Christ to the world.

The day ended with vespers, led by Cardinal Hummes and celebrated in the Paul VI audience hall.

Fr. Robert J. Carr