CARDINAL OULLET: THE CENACLE IS THE PLACE OF EXCELLENCE OF INTIMACY WITH CHRIST!: 2nd day of the international encounter of priests.

Rome, Italy–June 11, 2010 [Canção Nova News] Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec preached a homily here, yesterday, that could also be heard in the two basilicas of St. John Lateran and St. Paul Outside the Wall. The Cardinal spoke of his personal testimony, focusing on phrases of the Curé D’Ars and emphathized his experience and love of the Sacerdotal life.

Cardinal Marc Ouellet said that the priest is sent by Jesus to the whole world on the wings of the Holy Spirit and that as Christ is of open arms embracing the miseries of the world, so the priest needs to be in the exercise of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, embracing in this way, human misery.

The Holy Mass preceded this preaching, and was presided by Cardinal Tarcizio Bertone, Secretary of State for the Vatican, in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Wall. Cardinal Bertone highlighted the importance of celibacy during the homily and said that the Cenacle is the place for excellency of intimacy with Christ.

Translated from Portuguese