The Moment to Receive the Grace of the Spirit is Now

Unhappily, Many Christians and persons of the Church will be surprised through the coming of the Son of Man. This is not the will of the Lord for He would like that all be prepared, they may have not only lamps filled with oil, but also oil in reserve. I say without fear, we are few preaching very little of his coming. If we preach more, it is because unhappily others are not doing it.

There is still much work and announcing to be done, since  the Day of the Lord is approaching. He is closer now than last year. And time flies.

The moment of receiving the grace of the pouring out of the spirit is now. And this is for all! We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and we should bring Him to others.
Today, more than ever, it is easy to bring the Holy Spirit to the others. It is like lighting a candle making it aflame.
If someone of your family, unfortunately is far from God, or worse still, is deep in sin, vice, adultery, such person needs the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is not enough that we may be good, we must be filled with the Spirit.
God transforms us through the media of baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is the grace that we may need. If you still have not received it, open your heart, to be baptized and submersed in Him.

Mons. Jonas Abib
Founder of the New Song Community

from the book Ceus Novos e uma Terra Nova by Monsignor Jonas Abib, published by Editora Canção Nova