Ideal Mother: Obedient to God

Mary, the woman who was chosed to be the Mother of God, that was educated to love and to obey the Creator, is the mother of love that generates the teacher of love, for she was capable of submitting herself to love and to assume all its consequences. Only whomever loves is capable of teaching us the road to become the ideal mother. even though they are imperfect in love. This woman is Mary who had the courage to renounce her own plans for a better cause: to be mother of the Savior.

In our life, many times, we do not choose to live the will of God because we have difficulties letting go of one good for a greater good. But when we love God over all things, our desires and interests are considered petty and small before the greatness, kindnes, wisdom and love of the Father. Mary makes of her happiness the realization of the plans of God. We also only experience authentic happiness when we seek to give ourselves totally over to God. And all those thaet love Jesis prefer the will of the desires of the Father. When we discover tht which is more impotant is to do the will of God, we become happy persons. If all that mothers listen and obey God as Mary, we would have very happy children and an easier human life.

Many women who work outside the house by necessity, enter a vicious circle that brings one to always want more and with this to distance herself from her responsibilities in the house This is due to a mentality of the modern world that values person through what they have, through appearance and the position they occupy.

Mary, simple creature of God, was chosen as model of the total opening to the action of the Creator. He regarded the humility of His servant and despite being a powerful choice, she continued being simple and humble. She became a true disciple and assumed the mission of presenting the Son of God to the world. In order to understand the mission of Mary one needs to be open to the plans of God which target human good, our unity, fraternal charity among all, being focus of gaining the celestial prize: Heaven.

If you are not in relation with Mary, as a mother, begin today to make the first steps. Allow her in your house and to care for your life and that of your family. As a mother of love among us, certainly, our hearts will be open to love always, in happiness, sadness, health and sickness, and our family will become like the Holy Family. We ask that the Holy Spirit transform us in order to that we may be an ideal mother, as Mary, the Mother of God and our mother.

Maria Adamo.

Maria Adamo is a missionary for the New Song Community (Canção Nova) and with her husband Vinicius is one of the original members of the US Mission now in Atlanta. She writes from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil where she lives with her husband and children.

translated from Portuguese