Mary, My Model


It is a joy to be here to share a little of the person so beautiful that I love, The Virgin Mary. And for loving, it is necessary to know. Our Church teaches us tht Our Lady always was prepared by God in order to be the Mother of Jesus. “God chose her, in order to be the Mother of her Son, A daughter of Israel, a young jew of Nazareth in Gallille, ‘a virgin betrothed to a man called Joseph from the house of David, and the name of the virgin was Mary. (Cathechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 488)”. The proper significance of the word Mary helps us to comprehend this. I want to say God’s favored,  chosen’. Our Lord in his infinite wisdom did not choose just any woman to bring forth our Savior.

And Jesus thus gives her to us as Mother. We can perceive this clearly in the Gospel of John (Jn 19:25-27 it is important that you read that!) When Jesus said to Mary: “Mother this is your son” and afterwards to John “Son this is your Mother.” In this moment we are represented through the disciple John. This “son” that Jesus says is our name. It is your name! We need to take possession of this, or better still, we need to take possession of Her. Jesus gives us a Mother, a model of woman. And I want to emphasize here that not having time for this. Thanks to God I was born into a blessed Marian family. from the belly of my mother is a Church, I went to the Church prayed the rosary as a child. I remember that I asked my mother how many mothers that I had. The first song I learned was Mãezinha do Céu [Great Mother of Heaven]. And I praise God for the education that I received.

One of the things that was most called to my attention is the intimacy that the Virgin Mary has for the Holy Trinity. The first person, God the Father, because He wanted this, he planned this. The second person of the Holy Trinity, The Son, for He is the flesh of her flesh. Our Lady felt the movement of Jesus in her womb, she nourished Him, cared for his wounds and lived with Him. God in the Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, for it was He that overshadowed her. The Holy Spirit is the Husband of the Virgin Mary. And the husband and the wife are those that have the most intimacy. She allowed herself to be driven by the Spirit that is Holy. The Virgin Mary needs to be our model!

We have an intercessor, a person for us. When we think we are alone, we remember the warmth of the one who is our Mother. It is she that teaches us, that forms us. She is a model for us, model of holiness of dressing, of acting, of being. I have a crazy thing: When I see a dress and I look in the mirror thinking immediately if Our Lady would wear this dress. She needs to be the model for me these things.

Ingrid Karinne

Ingrid writes from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil where she hosts a program on the New Song (Canção Nova) radio channel Radio Natal.

translated from Portuguese